LTD Deck - Simplicity on First Place

Do you like simple design without any redundancies?

If yes, LTD deck might be interesting for you.

This deck is rather standard and conservative so lets look at it right now!


There is no concrete theme.

Designers just wanted to keep things simple and minimalist.

Tuck case

There is really not much to describe.

Dark blue color all over the box, nothing on sides, customized LDT seal and LTD logo on the front.

Really minimalist.

Design - front side

Front side is rather standard, the faces are standard as well, only difference from standard Bicycle would be dark red color and silver color used instead of black.

We can also notice customized fonts.

Ace of Spades is the only customized ace with simple and sharp spade symbol look.

The Jokers and identical without any reveal. There is big latter "J" with strings and hand over it so "J" looks like puppet.

Design - back side

Back design again very simple and minimalist but I like it a lot and its pleasant to look.

Quality & handling

Its not written on the box what finish is used on this cards but it feels like normal Air cushion finish.

As most of decks also this one was printed by USPCC so we can rely on its quality.


This deck comes in two colors - red and blue (red one is limited).

Summary and rating

This deck does not come with any surprising design. It follows the standard look, adds customized back design and slightly customized front design.

I personally like the simplicity and standard look that can be presented to spectators without any problems.

That is why I use this cards quite often and also why I rate them pretty high.

Score: 86%

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