Bicycle Limited Edition Series #2

Although name of this deck mentions Limited edition, I think this deck became pretty widespread.

It is rather standard deck of cards, except from reverse design.

Lets check other details as well.


Modified / updated standard Bicycle cards design so that this decks becomes collector items due to its limited availability.

Tuck case

Blue Tuck case contains standard big Bicycle logo together with angel riding on a bike.

Otherwise the box is pretty standard.

Design - front side

Completely standard. Nothing special to describe.

Design - back side

Blue, no borders, angel on a bike and other ornaments all around.

The center reminds standard deck of Bicycle cards.

Quality & handling

Made by USPCC the deck provides standard high quality that is suitable for magic / cardistry.


Only customization on this deck is related to tuck case, back design and also Jokers.

I have to unfortunately say that I don't like the Jokers at all.


Standard design, no gaffs, not pretty Jokers - I was disappointed by this deck.

Score: 40%

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