Gentleman & Ladies | Easy Card trick Tutorial

Trick that I called Gentleman and Ladies is easy self working card trick.

I'll find all Kings and Queens during this trick under very fair conditions.

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  • Ask spectator to cut the deck in half and turn over the top half
  • Then ask him to cut that half one more time and turn over the top half again
  • Assemble the packets, spread the cards and take out all cards that are face down
  • Create four piles - mysteriously all Kings are on top and all Queens on the bottom of each pile!


  1. Place four Kings face up to bottom of the deck and four Queens face down on top of the deck
  2. Ask spectator to cut the deck in half and turn over the top half
  3. Then ask him to cut that half one more time and turn over the top half again
  4. Assemble the packets from left to right (from your perspective), turn over the deck, spread the cards and take out all cards that are face down
  5. Simply make four piles - all Kings will automatically end up on top of each pile, all Queens will be on the bottom of each pile